Welcome to Connect the Arctic!

Connecting People, Building Partnerships, Growing Community.

Connect the Arctic YOUR go-to hub for collaboration across the Arctic!   

What is Connect the Arctic?

Connect the Arctic is a dynamic hub where you can:

  • Stay updated on the latest Arctic news, research, and events.
  • Collaborate and network with experts and peers from around the world.
  • Participate in discussions, events, and courses centered on Arctic issues.
  • Invite others to engage in activities relevant to your own research or education efforts
Our aim is to create a more inclusive, diverse, and globally connected Arctic research community.

Why Join Connect the Arctic?

We believe in the power of community, and we’re building this platform to foster meaningful connections and collaborations across the community of wonderful people involved in Arctic research and education. 

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Connect the Arctic:

  • Access and post Arctic related information on other members, events, projects, and funding and job opportunities within the community all in one place and collated by topic.
  • Access and post links for participation in discussions, webinars, and other networking events all from one central location.  
  • Engage in meaningful dialogue with others interested in Arctic issues (e.g. the International Polar Year, Community and Citizen Science in the Far North).
  • Foster connections within a supportive community.
  • Create an individualized personal space where you can share your interests, project information, products, and other Arctic related materials.
  • If you'd prefer not to join a community but still want to stay updated on the latest news and events, that's an option too!

Who administers Connect the Arctic?

Connect the Arctic is administrated by the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) and hosted on Mighty Networks, a user-friendly platform where you can easily engage with others, share resources, and explore topics that matter to you.  If you need help, please contact our team at [email protected].